The flow of human behaviours is constantly evolving through power interrelations. What can the body tell us? Merging cinematic language with dance, in a 7-screen-architectural layout and an immersive multi-channel spatialization sound system, re-FLOW PORTRAITS explores the notion of resilience, regeneration, power and opposition. Different sound episodes let the stories emerge in the aether. Bodies in slow motion shift the audience attention to micro scale focus, inviting the observers into an active position, analyzing human behaviors, understanding dance in another way and tracing the stories of the heroes on screen, by composing the immersive soundscapes with the on-and-off moving image.
Artistic Direction / Choreography for the camera / Editing: Chrysanthi Badeka
Interactive Visuals / Set-design: Rajan Creveri
Music Composition / Sound Design / Spatialization: Alberto Barberis
Filming / Color Grading: RATAVÖLOIRA
Tech Consultant: Yiannis Kranidiotis
Live Performer: Emmanuela Korki
Performers on screen: Elisa D’Amico, Francesco Dalmasso, Gloria Dorliguzzo, Caterina Genta, Edoardo Mozzanega, Marta G. Tabacco, Maria Elena Seidenari, Francesca Saraullo, Giorgio Colombero, Jenny Gotta, Francesca Ostorero, Ilaria Filomena Lillo, Patrizia Longo Sacchetti, Vanessa Depetris.
Production: COORPI & MØZ
Executive Production : Lucia Carolina De Rienzo
Production Assistants: Valeria Palma, Dora Xacharopoulou, Alexis Mantes
Communication / PR: Elena Griva
re-FLOW PORTRAITS installation performance is supported by the Greek Ministry of Culture, Compagnia di San Paolo nell’ambito del bando "ORA! Produzioni di cultura contemporanea” MiBACT and SIAE nell’ambito del programma “Per Chi Crea”.
Artistic Direction / Choreography for the camera / Editing: Chrysanthi Badeka
Interactive Visuals / Set-design: Rajan Creveri
Music Composition / Sound Design / Spatialization: Alberto Barberis
Filming / Color Grading: RATAVÖLOIRA
Tech Consultant: Yiannis Kranidiotis
Live Performer: Emmanuela Korki
Performers on screen: Elisa D’Amico, Francesco Dalmasso, Gloria Dorliguzzo, Caterina Genta, Edoardo Mozzanega, Marta G. Tabacco, Maria Elena Seidenari, Francesca Saraullo, Giorgio Colombero, Jenny Gotta, Francesca Ostorero, Ilaria Filomena Lillo, Patrizia Longo Sacchetti, Vanessa Depetris.
Production: COORPI & MØZ
Executive Production : Lucia Carolina De Rienzo
Production Assistants: Valeria Palma, Dora Xacharopoulou, Alexis Mantes
Communication / PR: Elena Griva
re-FLOW PORTRAITS installation performance is supported by the Greek Ministry of Culture, Compagnia di San Paolo nell’ambito del bando "ORA! Produzioni di cultura contemporanea” MiBACT and SIAE nell’ambito del programma “Per Chi Crea”.